Monday, December 3, 2012

City Union Bank Right Issue Subscription

City Union Bank's Right Issue Hard Copty Form will be sent by Second ( 2nd ) week of december to the mailing address of Shares holder.
Shares holder has been already determined ,( people who held shares on 23 Nov 2012).
We have to fill in and send it back to Karvy.
This has been confirmed by Karvy over email. Their email id is


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mobile Specific Routing in IBM WCS

Step 1:-
Crete a sub package

Step 2:-
Navigate to the WC_eardir/xml/config/ directory and copy the wc-devices.xml file into the extensions directory you created in the preceding step.

Step 3:-Add your devices to the wc-devices.xml extension file
(a) Open the new wc-devices.xml, located in your extensions directory.
(b) Replace the default device mappings with your own mappings
(c) Also add  your new devices

Step 4:-
For testing:-
When we try to test the above things with simulator .It won’t pick the Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings for the actual device.
It always picking a User-Agent value of that browser, on the browser we have opened a simulator.
For testing with simulator or normal browser we need to make a below entry in wc-devices.xml.
For Google Chrome:-
<_config:device name="Apple WebKit" useragentpattern=".*AppleWebKit/535.11.*">
<_config:device name="Apple WebKit1" useragentpattern="AppleWebKit/535.11">
Now browser will act as mobile device and siumulator will also work
For Internet explorer:-
<_config:device name="MSIE 9.0" useragerntpattern=".*MSIE 9.0.*">
Now internet browser will act as mobile device and simulator will also work
Best approach to print a user agent string for your browser on console and the add userAgentPattern accordingly
.Then same browser works as mobile device. We can use below code for the same
String userAgent= request.getHeader("User-Agent").
If value of userAgent comes  Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0) then we can specify
userAgerntPattern=".*MSIE 9.0.*" as above
We can get details about Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings using below URL


AccountIQ install Certificate

Installing certificates-

1. C:\Users\[user]>keytool -importcert -file D:\ofbiz\ecom_Urgent_Docs\AccountIq\ -keystore D:\ofbiz\ecom_Urgent_Docs\AccountIq\keystore.txt -storepass admin1

2. add to java

// System.setProperty( "", "D:/ofbiz/ecom_Urgent_Docs/AccountIq/keystore.txt" );

// System.setProperty( "", "admin1" );

IBM WCS Shipping by Weight

Research Shipping
how to change SKU and find out its weight
2. select * from CATENTSHIP where catentry_id=11729;
3. Select * from catentry where catentry_id=11729;
4.   Marker -
5. Select * from POLICY where storeent_id = (Select Store_id from Store where directory =
6. 'MarkerStorefrontAssetStore') ;
8. select * from policycmd where policy_id in ( Select policy_id from POLICY where storeent_id =
9. (Select Store_id from Store where directory = 'MarkerStorefrontAssetStore'));
10. CALSCALE_ID,CODE from CALSCALE with ur; 12204 'us_ground_na '
12. * from CALRANGE;
14.update CALRANGE set CALMETHOD_ID=-33 where CALSCALE_ID=12204 with ur;
16.sHIPPING- * from calmethod;
18.SELECT * FROM CALRULE; * from calscale; * from calrange; * from CALUSAGE; // TAX , SHIPPING , SHIPPINGDISCOUNT ETC * from crulescale;
24. * from SHiPMODE; * from SHPMODCLCD;
28.//select * from calrange where calscale_id=13701 ;

Swith User Agent of Browser

Will be very useful for testing purpose.
1       . Install add on “User agent switcher”
2        . Now go to tools and swith user agent. See following screen shot