Step 1:-
Crete a sub package
Step 2:-
Navigate to the WC_eardir/xml/config/ directory and copy the wc-devices.xml file into the extensions directory you created in the preceding step.
Step 3:-Add your devices to the wc-devices.xml extension file
(a) Open the new wc-devices.xml, located in your extensions directory.
(b) Replace the default device mappings with your own mappings
(c) Also add your new devices
Step 4:-
For testing:-
When we try to test the above things with simulator .It won’t pick the Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings for the actual device.
It always picking a User-Agent value of that browser, on the browser we have opened a simulator.
For testing with simulator or normal browser we need to make a below entry in wc-devices.xml.
For Google Chrome:-
<_config:device name="Apple WebKit" useragentpattern=".*AppleWebKit/535.11.*">
<_config:device name="Apple WebKit1" useragentpattern="AppleWebKit/535.11">
Now browser will act as mobile device and siumulator will also work
For Internet explorer:-
<_config:device name="MSIE 9.0" useragerntpattern=".*MSIE 9.0.*">
Now internet browser will act as mobile device and simulator will also work
Best approach to print a user agent string for your browser on console and the add userAgentPattern accordingly
.Then same browser works as mobile device. We can use below code for the same
String userAgent= request.getHeader("User-Agent").
If value of userAgent comes Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0) then we can specify
userAgerntPattern=".*MSIE 9.0.*" as above
We can get details about Mobile Browser ID (User-Agent) Strings using below URL