Thursday, April 22, 2010

Create Faster Jar file in java

1. Create manifest file
      Manifest-Version: 1.0
      Main-Class: mypackage1.package.mainclsss
      Class-Path: log4j.jar mail.jar xcc.jar
2. copy all the class files with package structure  in a foler say name "code"
3. put manifest file as sibling to folder code
4. Create jar from inside code folder
    jar cvfm MyJarName.jar MANIFEST.MF *.*
5. Put all required resources including external jars in the same folder as MyJarName.jar
6. Run the jar using
   java -jar MyJarName.jar anyargument

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

WebDAV Client - BitKinex

Home of FTP Software For Windows BitKinex integrates the fuctionality of an innovative FTP, SFTP and WebDAV client for Windows. In addition to features found in other popular FTP programs (like support for the SSL/SSH, multipart and multithreaded transfers, remote edit or FXP) our FTP client introduces several unique approaches and solutions like:
  • Site navigation without freezing windows 
  • Robust request handling saving your time and your data 
  • Indirect transfers simplifying your work 
  • User interface which doesn't clutter your desktop 
  • Inherited properties enabling easy and powerful configuration 
  • Expanded number of supported protocols and security standards
@ source  bitkinex

Quick tip to use tail command in Linux

>tail [no. of lines] [file name] | [ more]

more will give you page wise listing and you can press enter to go to next page

>tail -100 my.log  | more