Thursday, August 21, 2008

Numbering and Bulleting In MS Word 2007 docx format

This explains the logic behind Numbering and Bulleting in Docx format.
Important files.

1. document.xml inside folder /word
2. numbering.xml inside folder /word

Inside document.xml you find tag like this




Here tag is important , this refers to the information about number or bullets.
Inside numbering.xml you will find tags:



Follw0ing three links plays role: <
1. From document.xml//w:p/w:pPr/w:numPr/w:numId/@ w:val
links to
2. From numbering.xml/w:num/w:abstractNumId/@w:val
links to
numbering.xml/w:abstractNum/@ w:abstractNumId
3. From document.xml//w:p/w:pPr/w:numPr/w:ilvl/@w:val
links to
Seems little trick but well linked.
document.xml has links to and to be selected , while numbering.xml has link to which to be selected.
One more thing, numId in numbering.xml starts from 1 while w:abstractNumId starts from 0.
For any issue not understood , please feel free to mail me.